[For an example of change blindness and links
to research mentioned in this article, please go to //www.syntagm.co.uk/design/articles/cb.htm.]
Psychologists have identified a slightly worrying failure of
visual perception known as change blindness. It occurs when the
movement normally associated with change is temporarily masked.
In the real world this might be caused by blinking or a brief
focus of attention elsewhere. While this manages to sound fairly
innocuous, the effects of change blindness can be quite startling.
Imagine being stopped by a stranger and asked for directions.
Part way through the exchange there is a distraction, but the
conversation continues to its conclusion. Do you think that you
would notice that the stranger was really two fairly dissimilar
people who had switched places? In an experiment by Simons and
Levin, half of the participants failed to notice the swap.
Accounting for change blindness has led to some interesting
theories of how visual memory works (or fails, depending on your
point of view). One of the proposed theories is that passive "seeing" is
an illusion. We believe that we see everything in front of us,
but the reality is that we only take in those things that we
give deliberate attention to. In other words we lack a passive
visual memory. Hence the theory that Kevin O'Regan refers to
as the grand illusion.
What impact, if any, does change blindness have on interaction design? In the
desktop world of high bandwidth and instant page changes, probably none or
very little. But even with relatively high speed networking, the web presents
a different story. The description of a typical change blindness experiment
in the diagram below (from Ron Rensink's web site) could equally well describe
a typical web browser interaction. A user sees a page, clicks a link and a
new page appears after an intervening blank field. (Note that neither longer
initial exposure to the image nor the color of the blank field has any significant
impact on the outcome.)
Just how difficult it is to notice what has changed
between the two pages is demonstrated by the change blindness
examples on the web page associated with this article and the
other sites referred to.
Change blindness presents us with no problems where consecutive
pages are unrelated. However, it completely dashes our hopes
that minor changes between pages, such as error messages or search
reports, will be noticed. For example, I still come across search
pages that start with an "items found" count of zero,
which is replaced by the search result count once the search
is completed (with a separate link to the search results). In
some cases, this is the only change to the page. Needless to
say, users are frequently baffled by their inability to notice
any difference between the "before" and "after" images.
We need a more reliable mechanism for dealing with change in
such cases. Most well-designed search engines have obvious differences
between the search and results pages. However, things are not
so straightforward in form validation and confirmation sequences.
In form validation, the original page is sometimes redisplayed
with only minor changes indicating where errors have occurred.
The use of a different color will help combat change blindness,
but large and obvious differences will be much more effective.
In fact, this is one occasion in which limited use of animation might actually
be beneficial, because what is missing is the conventional visual cue of motion
that we associate with change. Small, blinking change markers (especially in
a contrasting color) will allow users to compensate for the change blindness
introduced by the awkward delays of the web.
[For an example of change blindness and links
to research mentioned in this article, please go to //www.syntagm.co.uk/design/articles/cb.htm.]
Daniel J. Simons, ed (2000), Change
Blindness and Visual Memory, (Psychology
Press) Harvard University, Boston, MA (also at Amazon.co.uk)
The Author
William Hudson is principal consultant for Syntagm Ltd, based
near Oxford in the UK. His experience ranges from firmware to
desktop applications, but he started by writing interactive software
in the early 1970's. For the past ten years his focus has been
user interface design, object-oriented design and HCI.
Other free articles on user-centred design: www.syntagm.co.uk/design/articles.htm
© 2001-2005
ACM. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here
by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution.
The definitive version was published in SIGCHI
{Volume 33, November-December 2001} http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/967240.967252