One of the web’s best-known booksellers
appears to have become bored with the idea. The trickle of other
products has burgeoned into a torrent flooding from its pages.
In the early days paddling among CDs and DVDs when trying to
find books was not a particular problem. Overlap between the
categories was not that great, so searching for a few words from
the title usually found what you were looking for. But no more.
Entering the words ‘easy
RUP’* gets me the following
product offerings (in order of appearance):
Safety cans under Scientific Supplies
Stirrups under Pet Toys and Supplies (horses are
More stirrups under Lifestyle and Gifts
Air beds and pumps under Lifestyle and Gifts
But no books. Okay, I did not say I was looking
for a book, so I will give the site the benefit of the doubt.
However, searching Books for ‘easy
RUP’* yields
Three Magazine Subscriptions:
Quick and Easy Painting, Quick
and Easy Crochet and Easy
Home Cooking (apparently not quick)
Three Toys: 24 pc puzzle bundle
pack, a 10’ x
30” Pool (it is bigger
than it sounds) plus a sand
and water table
Three Books including the one I was after
By now I am pretty annoyed. I specifically said I was looking
for a book and I am still being offered products that fail to
qualify even by the most generous definition. When I mention
my indignation to friends and colleagues they relate it to the
experience of being made to walk around supermarkets looking
for the things you need to buy as opposed to the things the store
wants to sell you. A resigned sigh usually follows.
But hang on; there are some problems with this line of thought.
The first is that I was not just browsing or being asked to walk
past shelves containing irrelevant products. I asked one of the
world’s foremost book retailers for a title that they could
easily find if they felt inclined (other sites I have tried find
it first time). Instead, they chose to offer me very weak matches
based on a few letters from the words I entered. Secondly, the ‘e’ in
e-commerce is there for a reason. Web sites are not real stores
and I know that I should not have to endure clumsy attempts
at cross-selling before I have even become a customer. As readers
of Paco Underhill ’s excellent Why We Buy will
know, bricks-and-mortar retailing is a pretty complex business.
Not surprisingly, there are many parallels in e-commerce, with
a few techniques that web sites really excel at: adjacencies,
add-ons and point-of-purchase sales have much more dynamic and
relevant equivalents on the web; product information can be much
more detailed than any printed carton while shopper recommendations
and feature comparison facilities have almost no real-world equivalents.
Notice that there is one important point these techniques have
in common. They are passive (or can be). In most cases
customers will have found a product they are interested in and
can then choose whether to explore the myriad additional opportunities
to part with their money that we are offering them. Customers
who know exactly what they want or who are in a hurry can ignore
these extra sections or links.
In contrast, techniques that actively prevent customers from
finding what they are looking for are an electronic form of ‘bait-and-switch’:
the site holds out the promise of providing a product they are
interested in, but tries hard to sell them something else instead.
This is a bad premise for improving customer loyalty. Customers’ confidence
wanes with each irrelevant item that is offered and their frustration
mounts with every unnecessary mouse click or key stroke. With
so many passive e-commerce tools to choose from it is surprising
that such a high-risk strategy has found its way to an e-commerce
pioneer. I hope it does not catch on as a trend, or I will be
buying my books at the butchers in future.
*For The
Rational Unified Process Made Easy, Per Kroll and
Philippe Kruchten, 2003 (Addison-Wesley). The Rational Unified
Process is almost always referred to as ‘RUP’.
It is not a book I would recommend from a usability or user-centered
design point of view, but RUP is becoming increasing popular
as a software development method. (Also at
Paco Underhill (2000), Why
We Buy: The Science of Shopping, Touchstone Books,
Carmichael, CA (also at
The Author
William Hudson is principal consultant for Syntagm Ltd, based
near Oxford in the UK. His experience ranges from firmware to
desktop applications, but he started by writing interactive software
in the early 1970's. For the past ten years his focus has been
user interface design, object-oriented design and HCI.
Other free articles on user-centred design:
© 2001-2005
ACM. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here
by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution.
The definitive version was published in interactions,
{Volume 10, Issue 5, September-October 2003}